U.I.N.C.C. Courses & Classes
Semester 2
Week 6
Course Name: B1. Power Of Prayer Instructor: Dr. Dick Eastman - Continued Class Time Length: 88 Minutes
ID |
Name |
Class Length |
2. |
What Prayer Is |
28 Minutes |
3. |
The Practice of Prayer - Part 1 |
31 Minutes |
4. |
The Practice of Prayer - Part 2 |
29 Minutes |
Week 7
Course Name: B1. Power Of Prayer – Continued
ID |
Name |
Class Length |
5. |
The Purpose of Prayer |
32 Minutes |
Course Name: B2. Ministry Of Helps Instructor: Dr. Buddy Bell
1. |
The Journey Of A Servant |
24 Minutes |
2. |
God Uses Both Stars and Candles |
26 Minutes |
3. |
Fear Not Leadership, Organization and Structure - Part 1 |
22 Minutes |
4. |
Fear Not Leadership, Organization and Structure - Part 2 |
26 Minutes |
5. |
Becoming A Servant of Fire |
22 Minutes |
Week 8
Course Name: B3. Old Testament Survey Instructor: Dr. Christopher Gornald-Smith
ID |
Name |
Class Length |
1. |
Approaching the Old Testament |
28 Minutes |
2. |
The Order of Books and Creation |
27 Minutes |
3. |
The Image of God and the Fall |
30 Minutes |
Course Name: B3. Old Testament Survey - Continued
4. |
Babel and Abraham / The Concepts of Covenant |
30 Minutes |
5. |
Abraham, Israel, Joseph, and Moses |
30 Minutes |
6. |
The Tabernacle Worship |
26 Minutes |
Week 9
Course Name: B3. Old Testament Survey - Continued
ID |
Name |
Class Length |
7. |
Joshua, Judges and Ruth |
26 Minutes |
8. |
The Kings, David, Psalms and Hebrew Poetry |
29 Minutes |
9. |
Wisdom Literature, Division and Exile |
27 Minutes |
10. |
Babylonian Captivity, Return from Exile and The Prophets |
29 Minutes |
Course Name: B4. Essence Of The Gospel Instructor: Dr. Terry Law
1. |
The Divine Exchange - Part 1 |
26 Minutes |
2. |
The Divine Exchange – Part 2 |
27 Minutes |
Week 10
Course Name: B4. Essence Of The Gospel – Continued
ID |
Name |
Class Length |
3. |
The Triumph of Praise |
28 Minutes |
4. |
What Activates Angels |
31 Minutes |
5. |
How To Make Your Faith Work |
30 Minutes |
Course Name: B5. Jesus Our Healer Today Instructor: Rev. Bayless Conley
ID |
Name |
Class Length |
1. |
God’s Will and Healing |
22 Minutes |
2. |
Healing In The Atonement |
24 Minutes |
3. |
Full Salvation |
24 Minutes |
Week 11
Course Name: B5. Jesus Our Healer Today – Continued
ID |
Name |
Class Length |
4. |
Moses, the Serpent and Healing |
23 Minutes |
5. |
The Mercy of Healing |
25 Minutes |
Course Name: B6. Living By Faith Instructor: Dr. Bill Winston
ID |
Name |
Class Length |
1. |
Living By Faith – Part 1 |
33 Minutes |
2. |
Living By Faith – Part 2 |
32 Minutes |